Dates: March 21- April 20
Element: Fire
Color: Red
Planet: Mars Mantra: I am
Body: Head
Signs: The Ram
Tarot: The Emperor, 2-4 of Wands
Represents: New beginnings, adventurer, passion, sex, war, anger, courage

Dates: April 20- May 21
Element: Earth
Color: Green
Planet: Venus Mantra: I have
Body: Throat
Signs: The Bull, Earth sign, Fixed sign
Tarot: The Hierophant, 5-7 of Pentacles
Represents: Possessive, calm, relaxed, materialistic, loves creature comforts, part of the body is the 'neck and throat'.

Dates: May 22- June 21
Element: Air
Color: Yellow & blue
Planet: Mercury Mantra: I think
Body: Arms, hands, & lungs
Signs: The Twins, Air Sign
Tarot: The Lovers, 8-10 of Swords
Represents: Communications, impulsive, changeable, inquiring, intelligent, exploring

Dates: June 21- July 22
Element: Water
Color: Silver & white
Planet: Moon Mantra: I feel
Body: Stomach and breasts
Signs: The Crab
Tarot: The Chariot, 2-4 of Cups
Represents: The home, shy, emotional, intuitive, protective, domestic

Dates: July 23 - Aug 22
Element: Fire
Color: Gold & purple
Planet: Sun Mantra: I will
Body: Heart and spine
Signs: The Lion
Tarot: Strength, 5-7 of Wands
Represents: Ownership, pride, ego, power, children, passion, works well alone

Dates: Aug 23- Sept 22
Element: Earth
Color: Yellow
Planet: Mercury Mantra: I analyze
Body: Colon
Signs: The Virgin
Tarot: The Hermit, 8-10 of Pentacles
Represents: Attention to details, worrying, practical, analytical, discriminating, clean, a perfectionist

Dates: Sept 23- Oct 22
Element: Air
Color: Pink, light blue
Planet: Venus Mantra: I relate
Body: Kidneys
Signs: The Scale
Tarot: Justice, 2-4 of Swords
Represents: Marriage and union, partnerships, diplomatic, compassionate, balanced

Dates: Oct 23- Nov 21
Element: Water
Color: Black, red
Planet: Plute, Mars Mantra: I transform
Body: Genital, bowel
Signs: The Scorpion
Tarot: Death, 5-7 of Cups
Represents: Intense, death, rebirth, responsibility, genuine, purification, the mafia of the zodiac

Dates: Nov 22- Dec 21
Element: Fire
Color: Maroon, dark blue
Planet: Jupiter Mantra: I see
Body: Lower back, liver
Signs: The Archer
Tarot: Temperance, 8-10 of Wands
Represents: Truth, religion, philosophy, generous, frank, enthusiastic, reason rather than emotion, adventurer

Dates: Dec 22- Jan 20
Element: Earth
Color: Brown
Planet: Saturn Mantra: I use
Body: Knees
Signs: The Goat
Tarot: The Devil, 2-4 of Pentacles
Represents: Practical vision, unemotional, sober, orderly, control, manipulating, power, dependable

Jan 21- Feb 28
Element: Air
Color: Silver & blue
Planet: Saturn, Uranus Mantra: I know
Body: Legs, hips
Signs: The Water Bearer
Tarot: The Star, 5-7 of Swords
Represents: Detached, team work, friends, unconventional, humane, independent, warm

Dates: Feb 19- Mar 20
Element: Water
Color: Purple, white
Planet: Jupiter, Neptune Mantra: I believe
Body: Liver, feet, lymphatic system
Signs: The Fishes
Tarot: The Moon, 8-10 of Cups
Represents: Intuitive, accepting, understanding, impressionable
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