Okay, confession time: Have you ever made a vision board, felt all inspired, and then... promptly ignored it for months? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Most of us have been there—staring at a corkboard full of pretty pictures that look more like an arts-and-crafts project than a roadmap to success.
But guess what? Vision boards can work—if you do them the right way. I’m talking about creating a board that doesn’t just look good but actually gets you results. Let’s make yours something you’ll look at every day and think, “Oh yeah, I’m crushing this!”
Why Most Vision Boards Flop (No Judgment, I Promise)
Here’s the thing: a lot of vision boards are missing two key ingredients—intentionality and action.
It’s not enough to slap on a photo of Bora Bora and expect to magically end up sipping piña coladas on a beach. (Wouldn’t that be nice?) You need to get clear on what you want and take the steps to make it happen. So let’s ditch the fluff and get real about how to create a vision board that’s not just pretty—but powerful.
Step 1: Be Crazy Specific
Let’s say you want to “get healthy.” Cool goal, but what does that actually mean for you? Does it mean running your first 5K? Having more energy to chase your kids? Fitting into those jeans you’ve been holding onto since 2015?
Get laser-focused. Write down your top goals before you even touch the scissors and glue. Your vision board should scream, “This is my future life!” and not just “I like sunsets.”
Step 2: Feel All the Feels
Your vision board shouldn’t just show your dreams—it should feel like them. Find images and words that make you go, “Oh my gosh, YES!” every time you see them.
Want a new job? Add a picture of someone looking thrilled at their desk. Dreaming of more self-love? Include affirmations like, “I am enough” or “I freaking rock.” You’re creating a vibe here, and the vibe needs to be all YOU.
Step 3: Break It Down (Not Like a Dance Move… Unless You Want To)
Big dreams can be overwhelming. That’s why your vision board needs to include the how, not just the what.
For example:
Instead of just a photo of a beach, add a sticky note that says, “Save $200/month for my dream vacation.”
Got a pic of someone crushing it at the gym? Write, “Sign up for a Saturday yoga class by next week.”
Make your goals bite-sized and doable. The idea is to build momentum, not stress yourself out.
Step 4: Put It Where You’ll See It
If your vision board is shoved in the back of your closet, it’s not doing you any favors. Hang it where you’ll see it every single day—above your desk, on your fridge, or heck, make it your phone background.
Spend a couple of minutes each day looking at it and feeling all those future-life vibes. Visualize yourself achieving those goals—like, really picture it. Smell the saltwater of that beach, hear the applause when you crush that work presentation, taste the celebratory cupcake when you hit your fitness milestone. (Yes, cupcakes can be part of the plan!)
Step 5: Keep It Fresh
Your dreams will evolve, and your vision board should too. Add to it, change it up, and make it a living, breathing thing that grows with you. If something no longer resonates, take it off. This is about what you want now—not last year.
Proof That Vision Boards Work (Because Let’s Be Real, We All Need Receipts)
Still a little skeptical? Let me share some proof that vision boards aren’t just “woo-woo” fun—they’re grounded in psychology and backed by real results.
The Science of Visualization
Here’s the deal: when you focus on specific goals and visualize them regularly, your brain starts working in your favor. It’s called the Reticular Activating System (RAS)—a fancy term for the part of your brain that filters information. By seeing your goals every day on your vision board, you train your RAS to notice opportunities and solutions that help you achieve those dreams.
In other words, your brain is like, “Oh, you want that promotion? Let’s make that happen.” Pretty cool, right?
Real Stories, Real Results
Let me introduce you to Maria, one of my favorite clients (don’t tell the others!). She created a vision board after feeling stuck in her personal and professional life. On it, she included a picture of a yoga retreat, the words “financial freedom,” and a photo of a healthy meal plan.
Within a year, Maria had:
Landed a new job with a big salary bump
Paid off her credit card debt (she told me cutting up the card was chef’s kiss satisfying!)
Started meal prepping and practicing yoga every week
The kicker? Maria told me the key wasn’t just slapping images on a board—it was pairing her vision board with visualization, faith, consistent action and regular check-ins.
A Fun Little Study
In a study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, researchers found that people who visualized their goals as if they’d already achieved them were more likely to take the steps necessary to reach them. This means that vision boards aren’t just pretty—they’re a psychological hack to get you motivated and moving.
My Own Results (Yep, I Do This Too!)
I’m not just here to talk the talk—I walk the vision board walk. A few years ago, I created a board with the words “financial freedom,” a picture of a cozy home office, and the phrase “helping others thrive.” Fast forward, and I’m running Ashana Works, helping incredible people (like you!) transform their lives every day.
Vision boards work when you make them work. Pair them with action, and they’re a game-changer.
Real Talk: Vision Boards + Action = Magic
Carla (a fabulous client of mine) was stuck in a soul-sucking job and feeling totally blah about her future. She followed these steps, created a vision board that felt SO her, and paired it with monthly tarot readings (thank you, Empowered VIP Membership!) to stay on track. Fast forward six months, and she landed her dream job and started a new relationship that lights her up. It works when you work it!
Your Turn: Let’s Do This
So what are you waiting for? Grab those magazines, markers, and glue sticks—and let’s map out your dream life! Remember, this isn’t just about making something pretty—it’s about creating a tool that inspires you to take action.
Share Your Vision and Earn Rewards!
Tell me—what’s the #1 thing you’re putting on your vision board? Drop a comment below and let’s cheer each other on! 🌟 Oh, and guess what? By commenting, you’re earning Reward Points at Ashana Works! 🎉
These points can go toward personal tarot readings (saving you $$$), so don’t miss out. Make sure you’re signed up or logged into your Ashana Works account to save this blog and keep earning rewards.
If you know someone who’s ready to ditch the dream board drama and make things happen, share this blog with them. And if you loved this post, give it a quick rating—it helps me create more content that you love.
Now go make that vision board magic happen—you’ve got this! 🎯✨