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When setting goals, it’s essential to make them clear and attainable. That’s where the SMART criteria come in. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. By applying these five principles, you can create goals that are well-defined and reachable, increasing your chances of success. Let’s break down each component and see how it works with a simple example using a physical health goal.

Transforming tarot guidance into SMART goals for career advancement and finding true love with step-by-step examples.

The Science and History Behind SMART Goals: Facts and Data

So, how'd we get here? SMART goals have become a cornerstone of effective goal-setting in various fields, from business to personal development. The concept was first introduced in 1981 by George T. Doran in a paper titled "There's a S.M.A.R.T. Way to Write Management’s Goals and Objectives." The acronym originally stood for Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Realistic, and Time-related, although it has since evolved with slight variations in wording.

The Psychology of Goal-Setting

Research in psychology supports the effectiveness of SMART goals. Studies have shown that setting clear, specific goals can significantly improve motivation and performance. A 2015 study published in Psychological Bulletin found that people who set specific goals are 90% more likely to achieve them compared to those with vague or no goals. The clarity provided by SMART goals reduces ambiguity and allows individuals to focus their efforts more efficiently. And if you are anything like me and are living with an ADHD brain, you know clarity is KEY to a happy and balanced life.

Impact on Productivity

In the workplace, SMART goals are associated with higher productivity and job satisfaction. According to a survey by the American Psychological Association, employees who set and achieve specific goals report 15% higher levels of job satisfaction and 25% higher levels of productivity. That's a quarter better chance of achieving your dreams just by changing how you structure and think about your plans and goals. This framework helps break down large tasks into manageable steps, making it easier to track progress and stay motivated.

Application Across Fields

SMART goals are not just confined to corporate settings; they have been widely adopted in various areas, including education, healthcare, and personal growth. For example, in education, teachers use SMART goals to help students achieve academic milestones. In healthcare, SMART goals are used in patient care plans to set achievable health outcomes. I just wish my teachers taught this in my time. But, it's not too late for us, dear reader. Let's do this!

Data-Driven Results

Organizations that implement SMART goals have reported significant improvements in performance metrics. For instance, a case study from the Harvard Business Review showed that a company implementing SMART goals saw a 30% increase in project completion rates and a 20% improvement in employee engagement.

The use of SMART goals leverages both historical insights and scientific evidence, making it a powerful tool for anyone looking to achieve specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives.

Real Life SMART Goal Examples

In this blog, we'll explore three specific goals that our clients have set and achieved, leading to incredible transformations in their personal and work lives. These real-life examples show how applying the SMART goal framework can bring clarity, focus, and success in various aspects of life.

For the purposes of this exercise and to protect their privacy, names have been changed.

"I was feeling really stuck in my love life, just going through the motions without much hope," Sarah shared. "But when I set a SMART goal to actively find true love by going on two dates a month and putting myself out there at social events, everything changed. Now, I'm in a relationship with someone who truly aligns with my values, and it's been such a fulfilling journey!"

Mark echoed a similar experience in his career. "I knew I had the potential to move up, but without a clear plan, I felt like I was spinning my wheels. Setting a SMART goal to get promoted within a year, along with taking on new responsibilities and seeking mentorship, really focused my efforts. I’m now in a management position, and I couldn't be happier with how things turned out."

Jessica's story of health transformation also resonates. "After years of struggling with my weight, the SMART goal approach finally clicked for me. I committed to losing 10 pounds in three months by exercising daily and watching my diet, and the results were incredible. Not only did I hit my goal, but I also built habits that have stuck with me. I feel healthier and more energized than ever!"

Her are their SMART goals:

  1. Finding True Love: SMART Goal: "I want to find true love by meeting someone who shares my values and interests within the next six months. I will start by going on two dates each month, using dating apps and attending social events to meet new people."

  2. Career Advancement: SMART Goal: "I want to be promoted to a management position within my current company within the next 12 months. To achieve this, I will complete leadership training, seek mentorship, and take on additional responsibilities to demonstrate my capability."

  3. Health Improvement: SMART Goal: "I want to lose 10 pounds in the next 3 months by incorporating 30 minutes of daily exercise and reducing my calorie intake by 500 calories per day."

Ready to see SMART goals in action? Keep reading.

S - Specific

Your goal should be clear and specific, answering the questions: What do I want to accomplish? Why is this goal important? Who is involved? Where is it located? What resources or limits are involved?

  • Love SMART Goal Example: Clearly define what you’re looking for in a relationship. Instead of saying "I want to find true love," a more specific goal would be, "I want to start dating and meet someone who shares my values and interests."

  • Career SMART Goal Example: Define your career aspirations clearly. Instead of a vague goal like "I want to advance in my career," a more specific goal would be, "I want to get a promotion to a management position within my current company."

  • Health SMART Goal Example: Clearly define your health goal. Instead of saying "I want to get healthier," a more specific goal would be, "I want to lose 10 pounds by adopting a balanced diet and regular exercise routine."

M - Measurable

It’s important to have criteria for measuring progress. This makes it easier to stay on track and know when you’ve achieved your goal.

  • Love SMART Goal Example: Determine how you’ll track progress. "I will measure my progress by going on two dates each month and reflecting on whether the connections align with my values and interests."

  • Career SMART Goal Example: Establish criteria to track your progress. "I will measure my progress by completing leadership training courses, taking on new responsibilities, and receiving positive feedback from my supervisor."

  • Health SMART Goal Example: Determine how you’ll track progress. "I will measure my progress by tracking my daily calorie intake and weekly weight loss, aiming for a steady weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week."

A - Achievable

Your goal should be realistic and attainable. This means it should stretch your abilities but still remain possible to achieve. Consider any constraints or obstacles and how you will overcome them.

  • Love SMART Goal Example: Make sure your goal is realistic. "I will achieve this by joining a dating app or participating in social events where I can meet like-minded individuals."

  • Career SMART Goal Example: Ensure your goal is attainable given your current resources. "I will achieve this by improving my skills through online courses, seeking mentorship from a senior colleague, and volunteering for leadership roles in team projects."

  • Health SMART Goal Example: Make sure your goal is realistic and attainable. "I will achieve this by incorporating 30 minutes of exercise into my daily routine and following a diet plan that reduces my calorie intake by 500 calories per day."

R - Relevant

Your goal should matter to you and align with other relevant goals. It should have a clear purpose and contribute to your long-term objectives.

  • Love SMART Goal Example: Ensure this goal aligns with your life ambitions. "Finding true love is relevant to me because I’m seeking a meaningful relationship that enriches my life and brings long-term happiness."

  • Career SMART Goal Example: Make sure your goal aligns with your long-term career goals. "Getting promoted to a management position is relevant to me because it aligns with my long-term career goal of becoming a leader in my industry and increases my job satisfaction and financial stability."

  • Health SMART Goal Example: Ensure this goal aligns with your health and wellness priorities. "Losing 10 pounds is relevant to me because it will improve my overall health, increase my energy levels, and boost my self-confidence."

T - Time-bound

Every goal needs a target date, so you have a deadline to focus on and something to work toward. This part of the SMART criteria helps prevent everyday tasks from taking priority over your longer-term goals.

  • Love SMART Goal Example: Set a timeline for your goal. "I will aim to find a meaningful connection within the next six months by actively engaging in dating and social opportunities."

  • Career SMART Goal Example: Set a deadline to focus your efforts. "I will aim to achieve this promotion within the next 12 months by completing necessary training and demonstrating my readiness for increased responsibility."

  • Health SMART Goal Example: Set a timeline to reach your goal. "I will achieve this goal within the next 3 months, focusing on gradual and sustainable weight loss."

Putting It All Together

A SMART goal for this example might be: "I want to improve my fitness by running 3 miles without stopping within the next 6 weeks. I’ll start by running 1 mile this week and will increase my distance by half a mile each week until I reach my goal."

By setting SMART goals, you give yourself a clear roadmap to follow, making it easier to stay motivated and on track. Whether your goal is fitness-related, career-oriented, or something personal, applying the SMART criteria can help you turn your aspirations into achievable actions.


We’d love to hear about your progress! 💬 Share your goals, your victories, and even the challenges you’re facing in the comments below. Your story could be the inspiration someone else needs to keep going. Plus, every comment, like, and share enters you into our exclusive in-depth tarot reading giveaway—there’s no limit to how many times you can enter! 🌟

Remember, work-life balance isn’t just a destination; it’s an ongoing journey. Our Work-Life Balance Checklist is the ultimate workbook that includes this tool and many more to elevate your progress and keep you on track every step of the way working it seamlessly into your busy schedule. Engage with others just like you in the community, ask questions, and offer support to others on the same path.

Don’t forget to use these hashtags when you share: #WorkLifeBalanceJourney #SMARTGoals #AshanaWorks. Let’s build a supportive community where we uplift and encourage one another.

So go ahead—share your journey, connect with others, and keep moving forward on your path to balance and fulfillment! 🎉

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Aug 09
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Love this. Especially the examples of how smart goals work. Will definitely try this.

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