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The Art of Asking: How to Craft the Perfect Tarot Question for a Powerful Reading

Are you feeling lost, confused, or unsure about the direction of your life? Do you want to gain insight into your deepest desires, fears, and motivations? If so, an online tarot reading with Ashana Works may be just what you need to unlock the secrets of the tarot and discover the answers you seek.

At Ashana Works, our experienced tarot readers use the power of the tarot to provide guidance, insight, and clarity into your life. But to get the most out of your online tarot reading, it's important to ask the right questions.

Here's how to do it:

Be Specific and Clear

To receive the most accurate and relevant answers, ask specific and clear questions. Avoid asking broad or vague questions, and focus on what you really want to know. For example, instead of asking "What is my future?", ask "What do I need to know about my career path?"

Focus on Yourself

The tarot is a tool for personal growth and self-reflection, so it's important to focus on your own life and situation. Avoid asking questions about other people or situations that are beyond your control.

Use Empowering Language

The language you use can influence the outcome of your reading. Use empowering language that focuses on taking action and making positive changes in your life. Avoid negative language that implies a victim mentality.

Avoid Yes or No Questions

Tarot readings are more complex than a simple yes or no answer. Instead, ask open-ended questions that allow for more detailed responses. For example, instead of asking "Will I find love?", ask "What can I do to attract a loving relationship into my life?"

Trust the Process

The tarot is a powerful tool for self-discovery and transformation. Trust the process and be open to receiving messages that may challenge your beliefs or assumptions. Even if you don't understand the message at first, trust that the cards are providing insight for your highest good.

Before You Go

At Ashana Works, we're committed to providing our clients with personalized, insightful, and transformative online tarot readings that help them achieve their goals and live their best lives. Book your online tarot reading today and experience the power of the tarot for yourself!

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Jan 06
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Love this blog, definitely helps me think how to word my questions when I pull my own tarot cards

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Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad to hear that the blog is helping you with formulating questions for your own tarot card readings. Crafting meaningful questions is such an important aspect of gaining valuable insights. If you ever have specific questions or topics you'd like to explore in future blogs, feel free to share. Happy tarot card pulling, and may your readings be insightful and empowering! 🌟

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