If you are asking the question how do I manifest, then read this. Learning to manifest your desires is similar to learning to swim. So how is swimming similar to manifesting? Both manifesting and swimming requires total trust, i.e. letting go. In the case of manifesting, you need to let go of your need to control the outcome and trust that you shall receive that which you seek. In the case of swimming you trust that you will not drown. Everyone who has learned to swim will tell you that fear causes you to sink. Lack of fear allows you to float. And even if you go down it will be temporary and you’ll soon bob back to the surface.

It is the same with trying to manifest your desires. Accept your desires as already having been fulfilled. If you have any doubts whatsoever, that this is not so, you will fail to attract your desires. You can fool people, but you cannot fool the Universe. Every thought, feeling or doubt, no matter how slight, vibrates out to the Universe.
"I only recently learned to swim and it was while I was in the pool that I realized the parallels between swimming and manifesting. I was baffled by the fact that I had difficulty keeping my head above water, while experienced swimmers didn’t have such a problem. They would swim effortlessly while I struggled. That was until my instructor said this, “The reason you sink is because you don’t trust the water to keep you up. You’re afraid that if you let go, you’ll go down.” And then it hit me. It is the same with manifesting your desires! No trust, no manifestation."
Mary, Manifestation Project Student
It’s only when you totally and unequivocally trust that your desires are as good as having already been delivered, that the manifestation will appear. The proof of your total trust is when you express your gratitude and already start celebrating, in spite of your present reality, which may be the exact opposite of what you desire. However, just as it is with swimming, getting to that point doesn’t happen overnight. We first have to let go of our fears which are a product of our past experiences. Until we choose to change and do things differently, we will continue to get the things we’ve always gotten.
3 Top Tips on Manifesting Faster
Get out a pen and paper, your meditation cushion, your sketchbook or anything else you need to delve into the depths of manifestation. The deeper you go into the process and let it became a part of you and IT immerse in YOU. the more you allow for this to be a part of your routine the more it is guarantee to bring. youresults. So, see yourself there, doing the thing. What are you wearing? What is around you? What are your plans later? Who are your contacts in your phone? What do you drive? What are your dinner plans? What are you effortlessly doing that you thought you could never do? See all of these things with crystal clarity.
Now, take the above and write a cryptic phrase to summarize. Write it on 5-10 blank cards (index/business/sticky) and put them in all the places that you will see them all throughout the day. Tell on one what it means. So, on in the wallet, one on your bathroom mirror, one in the hallway, one in the kitchen, one on the front door, one in the car, etc. Two of the most important ones are going to be the ones you see before you fall asleep and when you wake up. Put this one somewhere where you'll be able to see it at those times.
Once you've done that, the only action that is required of you now that the Visualization step is done is that you revisit that mental state and see yourself there in full NOW. Take in ALL of the details... go deeper if you can each time. Every time you come across one of those cards in your day stop and take yourself back to your visualization. Again, right before bed and as soon as you wake up are the two most (but not the only) important times.
This for many of us may be easier said than done The very simple and basic step here is to Visualize, Repeat, and LET GO of the "how's" and the "when's" of the process. Easier said than done. This is where you dig even deeper leading you to work with your doubt. But, by following the breadcrumbs of what needs to be worked on but step at a time we begin to not only attract exactly what we want in unbelievable time frames but we also better ourselves to the core in the process.
Free Sources for Working with Self Doubt
Never Doubt Yourself, Jim Rohn
In this Motivational Video Compilation, Jim Rohn and Les Brown talk about the most destructive habit that one can get involved in, and that habit is to doubt your own self. Self-doubt is the number killer of the dreams. Here is the lesson Jim Rohn shared in this video: Doubt your doubts, and believe your beliefs. Don't let doubts cloud your judgement. Learn to set your doubts aside and take action.
Jay Shetty
A video where Jay Shetty talks about how to help yourself if you are struggling with low self-esteem. A must watch!
Mel Robbins
This inspirational woman used some of the tools she shares in this video to dig himself out of a hole that she never thought she'd be able to climb out of. Check out Mel Robbins' inspiration video on how to outsmart your self-doubt.
Fifteen years ago, I hit rock bottom and nearly lost everything I cared about in life. My anxiety was so bad, I could barely drag myself out of bed. Today, I’m one of the most respected experts on change and motivation in the world. Millions of people and the world’s leading brands come to me for advice and science-backed tools to become more confident, effective, and fulfilled." - Mel Robbins
Final Thoughts on Manifesting
In short, the answer to the question, how do I manifest, is to just trust. Trust that the Universe wants what’s best for you and is fully capable to supply what you want. Trust that if you follow the laws of attraction and of manifestation, you shall certainly have everything you want. Trust that just as the water lifts you up and lets you float, the Universe shall keep your head above the tides of life, irrespective of how fearful things may seem right now.